Poems About Me And My Family

Одна із перших тем на уроках англійської мови в початковій школі присвячена родині, де діти знайомляться з назвами найближчих родичей. А допомогти краще запамятати запропоновану лекику можуть невеличі віршики.

I love my father,
I love my mother,
I love my sister
And my big brother.

I have a father,
I have a mother,
I have a sister,
I have a brother.
Father, mother,
Sister, brother
Hand in hand
With one another.

I am a girl
I am a girl (a boy)
A little one.
I like to play,
I like to run.

Mother’s Day
Make a basket
For your mother
And fill it with
Flowers gay,
Then put a card
Just to say:
“Happy mother’s Day”.

Nelly: I love my dear mummy,
I love her very much.
And do you love your mummy?
Sasha: Of course, and very much.

This is my father,
This is my mother,
This is my sister,
This is my brother,
This is my uncle,
This is my aunt Lily,
This is my cousin,
This is me.

Good night, mother,
Good night, father,
Kiss your little son,
Good night, sister,’
Good night, brother,
Good night, everyone.

My Mummy

My gear, dear mummy,
I love you very much.
I want you to be happy
On the 8-th of March.

Little One

I am his sister
And he is my brother.
He is too little for us
To talk to each other.
So every morning I show him
My doll and my book.
But every morning he still is
Too little to look.

A Little Helper

Granny’s eyes are very bed:
Don’t you think, it’s very sad?
And, when Granny tries to sew,
She can’t make the thread go.
Through the needle/s tiny eye,
So I help, when I am by.
